Safaricom mobile money platform M-pesa is celebrating 15 years since it was launched.
For over a decade,the platform has served more than 51 million customers across Africa and it is still at the top processing more than 61 million transactions a day.
In 2007, Safaricom launched M-pesa in Kenya for customers to send money instantly and have affordable financial services.
Many customers registered to the service and over the years, it has had fast growth and adoption across the country.
The service has supported businesses boosting financial growth across the continent and today it has a wide variety of financial services.
This multiple functions includes savings and lending solutions like M-shwari, KCB M-pesa, Fuliza, payments of bills and International Money Transfer all at the convenience of their mobile phones.
M-pesa today has evolved to a digital financial service provider and looking into the future, it will give wide variety of digital solutions and increase the digital world.